Western Style Cabins

Our cabins are handbuilt by Amish craftsmen from solid, high quality lumber. No power tools were used. We offer several styles and sizes, with various features and options. Contact us for pricing and more details.


  • 2 Windows Above Porch
  • 2 Windows Under Porch Roof
  • 4 Windows Total
  • 1 Entry Door in Center
  • 1 Double Door Set
  • Metal Roof

Featured Videos

In this video, we will show you how we updated. An old Gothic style greenhouse using double wall polycarbonate.

Build your own nesting box! This video shows a brief overview on how to build one.

An in-depth look into our 30 ft. chicken coop and towards the end of the video I show you an overview of other structures we built.

6'x16' Coop with 6'x6' interior.

Site Preparation & Delivery

Level ground is recommended for chicken coops and run-ins. Blocks are recommended for small sheds and cabins. Level gravel or a concrete pad is best for larger buildings 12' wide and up. Our professional delivery and install team will do their best to satisfy you with positioning your building.

No need to worry about your lawn during our delivery and install. Our EZ Mover allows us to get into almost every back yard with our greenhouses & chicken coops without making ruts in your lawn. Free delivery within 35 miles of our location in Lisbon, Ohio.